Ironmongery, Timber and Decorating - Horsham
Ironmongery & Builders Merchants - Burgess Hill
Timber and board cutting services
We offer a fast and efficient timber cutting service from three of our branches. Our specialist team, can help get turbo-charge your project and make materials easier to transport.
We can cut sheet material and lengths of timber to your requirements. Our expert staff can advise on your needs.
We do not offer complex or angled cuts as part of our standard service.
Types of sheet materials
Our panel saws can cross cut and rip cut a huge range of board or sheet materials such as plywood and MDF.
We offer free cuts (2 per board) on material we supply and can cut materials you supply for a small pre-arranged fee.
Hardwood plywood
High strength
Medium durability
Medium visual quality
Softwood plywood
Medium strength
Medium durability
Low visual quality
Birch plywood
High strength
Medium durability
High visual quality
Marine plywood
High strength - Can be used for structural purposes
High durability - Resists water, moisture, mould and fungus
Medium visual quality
Oriented Strand Board
High strength
Medium durability
Low visual quality
Melamine-faced chipboard
Medium strength
Medium durability
High visual quality
Pine whitewood board
Medium strength
Medium durability
Medium visual quality
MDF Board
Medium strength
Medium durability
Low visual quality
Specialist boards
Our team can normally accomodate all sorts of material. Phenolic plywood, specialist hardwood boards and more. Get in touch to find out.
CLS Studwork
High strength - C16 or C24
High durability
Medium strength
Low cost
Timber firrings
Specialist for roofing and angle changes
Cutting sheet materials
We can make precise, repeatable cuts on most sheet materials. This can make it much easier to transport materials and assemble projects on site.
We can make rip cuts along the length (2440mm) of a sheet or cross cuts (1220mm) as needed.
We can reduce material down to 100mm strips.
At our Horsham and Burgess Hill branches our maximum cut depth is 20mm.
At Lancing our maximum cut depth is 44mm meaning we can also trim doors.
CLS Studwork
High strength - C16 or C24
High durability
Regularised Treated Timber
Medium strength
Skirting, mouldings and decorative
Moulded and primed MDF. Stable, easy to work with, and economical.
Cut-to-Length timber
We can cut standard timber types to your required length. This makes transport much easier and can accelerate the start of your project - especially in confined spaces.
We can accomodate timber of up to 300mm by 100mm for this service. This makes it easy to cut CLS studwork lumber (for timber framing structures), Regularised Treated Timber, Planed-All-Round (PAR), Batten and Firrings.
Please get in touch if you have any specific needs and our expert staff will try to help.